Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Hi, sorry for the long update or post as these few days I have been rotting in my house.
Just a few weeks of not posting and to my surprise, the previous blog by Weiren has made me understand that there are people who hate this blog. May I ask why and who are you guys?
By the way, who is Passerby and Passerby 2?? This is kinda infuriating when the previous post had already told you guys not to insult anyone here. Well, I just hope that this matter ends quickly without any one getting hurt, lolz...
So nowadays, still playing DOTA and PS2, I just found out that Need For Speed CARBON not Cabron is out and its really cool. Though people like Andree and Clifton already knows it, I still wanna post it. Some cybers have already got it.
Next thing, I have just received news that next Summer, The movie, Fantastic 4-The rise of the Silver Surfer. Its also really cool, coming out together with Batman-The Dark Knight and Spiderman 3. Man...really cool...
By the way, for the prom, I did not go too. And luckily I did not go. I heard its very lame and boring?? Nevermind. I also did not prepare myself too.
Well, last reminder to people out there, please do not post any bad stuff about this blog. I am considered begging you guys liao, so please do not do this.
Gotta go back to rotting liao, Bye...
8:08 PM
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Why is everyone so dogmatic? Why can't people accept something different?
Anyway Martin, Thanks. Thanks for being a friend. And I'm not saying you're dogmatic or something. So don't get the wrong idea.
People have been complaining that this blog sux... Well, it was quite hurtful to hear that. But that's the truth, gotta deal with it. But seriously, these people visit this blog through their own will, and I didn't force them to read it. And there are people, trying to insult this blog and wanted it to be closed down.
Where's the logic? Does everything has to be in the way you want it to be? Does everything has to be what you think it should be? If you don't like something in particular, fine. Just leave it alone. It's harmless. This blog hasn't been insulting or offending anyone. What I posted are just my thoughts and activities that's all. If you don't like to read about that then you can don't visit this blog anymore. Please, you all don't own the world. Everything does not have to follow suit with what you think it should be. I know some of you will get offended with this posts and start to thrash in the tagboard. Go ahead if you want.
Alright, its so hard to be myself. Fine. Since I don't like to hear about those stuffs from you guys, I won't delete the tagboard. Instead, I wouldn't even want to post about such stuffs again. I'm sick and tired of listening to those comments. You guys really spoil my mood. Yea, you guys did your job well. My mood is spoilt, you happy now? My goodness, some people should just mind their own business instead of calling other people's blog "lame" when they didn't even check out their own blog to see their own lame stuffs. Seriously I find some boring. Just that I don't want to say it out. Cuz it's really not nice to hear such awful yet true stuffs.
And Martin, don't get offended. The words above only applies to those who hate me and this blog. And after our chat a few minutes ago. I certainly believes you're not one of them.
Yea, I'm the bad guy... I'm also one... To everyone...
Why am I getting affected by these guys who don't understand or even knows me well...
Yea Martin, I'm guilty of denying truths... Maybe you should ask others to wake up too... They're your friends too ya?
1:38 AM
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Weirenism Zacharian Ultimate Extreme 360 Makeover
It last 15 weeks...It gives happiness...It provides peace...It replenishes...It revitalizes...It's wonderful...
Basically, it is the brainchild of Weirenism, which only serves one purpose, a Brand New Weirenism.
It is a period of transition. Crossroad, some called it. As I said in the previous post, I had screwed myself up. And I have to be responsible for it. And this is the solution I provide for myself, to compensate all the damage and hurt I had incurred on myself, to wake myself out of illusion and getting me into Reality. This is it.
It transform Weirenism not only physically(as some believes so), but rather, in all aspects(that's why it's called 360) as well.
As I have said, "Time for a change, yet again. But of course, somethings will never change."
Anyway, I can't reveal much about the agenda of it. But I'll share with you some of it's features in the upcoming posts.
And lastly, this will be my only chance left... And I'll make sure I won't screw it up this time round...
1:13 AM
Wei Ren Speaking,
Before, during and after Prom, I experienced a variety of emotions. I couldn't describe it all in here. All I can say is...
I was looking forward to attend Prom. But I kinda force myself not to attend, for fear of bringing to myself nothing but disappointment. However, later on I told myself this:
"Wei Ren, you can jolly well wear your suit and get down to the ball, and at the end of it, feeling contented, happy and enjoyed the fun. But for you to achieve these, you cannot expect much, you cannot want much. The focus for the night is Prom itself and never just her. Just give her a glimpse and that's it. Only then you'll have no problem."
There's no hard feelings, no sigh and stress.I managed to do what I told myself to do.
At the end of the day, I learnt something. Patience.
Well I did felt abit turn-off and moody towards the end. But it didn't affect me much.
I felt down, disappointed and hurt. But who is solely responsible for this downfall on myself?
Me. No one but me. Not her herself, not her friends, not my friends but Me only.
In the past, I pushed all blames about my hurt, my disappointment, my failures, to her, if not, to her friends. Never myself. But now, I realised the truth and my mindset has changed.
That's the reason why I apologised to her in my the other blog, and i'm doing it now again.
I admit that I screwed myself up, I got myself into a mess, I got myself into such awkward moments, I destroyed some of my own friendships, I hurt some people, I took the wrong approach, I did what everybody thought was wrong which I thought was nothing wrong but meaningful instead, I brought about my own failure and disappointment, I sabotaged myself in befriending her, I gave her the wrong impression of myself and everything of these caused because of me. This is the Truth. This is Reality.
In the end...who suffered the most? Me. This is also the Truth. This is also Reality.
But I'm really thankful that I found and willing to recognise the Truth. For it really is liberating. It is the disguised key which unlocked the chain that I used to chain myself up to a pit. And this pit is one that accumulates all sorrow, disappointment, anger, grieve and all kinds of hard feelings. The Truth dissolves the emotional turbulence that had waged in me for so long. What's in me now are ruins and rubbles from the turmoil. I need a new me. What can i do to get a new me? Weirenism Zacharian Ultimate Extreme 360 Makeover...
12:22 AM
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Wei Ren Speaking,
Yesturday was Prom Night, and it was...it was... well if one
sentence is enough to sum up the whole night, then let this
whole post be the "one sentence".
I got my haircut in the afternoon with my talented hairstylist, Frennie, at Team Salon. So co-incidentally after that, I met up with mdm mdm(Junie) and mdm mdm 2(Ling Yan). And the two ladies praised my sleeves! Indeed i have quite a good taste in fashion. Then we went on ranting about the "Happy Feet" outing with cai cai(Wei Wen a.k.a. WeiWenism,-copied from someone). Lolz. And also regarding tomorrow's cycling trip at east coast park. Apparently, they were waiting for mdm mdm 3(Shi Min). She's a beauty!:>
Once my watch striked six, I was all ready at the pickup point outside of Yamaha where I met up with Sin Chyuan first and then picked up by Shu Xian's Father. Emma's in the car too. Sin Chyuan is All-White while i'm All-Black. Shu Xian donned a beautiful dress who suits her just right. And that goes the same for Emma. Just that Shu Xian was in black, and the latter... Well, was similar to Natalin, was in gold. Emma even wore the pearl bracelet i bought for her as birthday gift. And she complaint its too big for her. Well everything, is always too big for her. Nothing is small. Well, perhaps the diamond necklace she wore was an exception.
We arrived punctually. Paid my ticket at the reception, signed the guestbook and got a stamp ink from Alicia on my hand.
Once we entered the lobby of the Tudor Ballroom, we were welcomed by a very distinguished early bird guest, Muzzaffar, who donned a creepy halloween costume with a long plastic sword. Well to me it looks like Aragorn's sword. He wore a mesh so much so that newly arrived guests had a hard time guessing who is the young man behind the cloth. However, I have no problems with that as his voice's still the same no matter what he wears.
I hanged around with other guests, upon the commencing of the function. Waited for an hour before we could take a seat in the ballroom. As more guests arrived, the place got more vibrant with colours and style.
Here's some gentleman- There's Clifton in pink, who also have a striking and glitterish hairdo. There's Jeremy in red, add on with a scarf or something which did not fail to get girls calling him cute. Next is Martin(Teh Annan). With red stripe sleeves covered with a black sweater and added on with a colourful snowcap. Nevertheless, his earrings on both sides. There's Roy, with his typical Boy-Next-Door fashion. There's Brian who wore like a President. Well, he was one. There's Joshua. Man, his bowtie makes all the difference! There's Desmond Lim- Mean Street Gangbangers Style. Man, no joke with him. There's Mr. Linggaputra. Surely a putra(prince) indeed, with a gentleman attire. There's Mr Formality- Jacky, high end penguin suit up till his collar. There's De Wei, whose attire is similar to those PAP members(according to Qi Xian). There's Steven, a major red suit. Very unique. Oh yes, Sheamson, not to forget. One of the latest to arrive, who had never failed to put up a pleasant surprise yet again. These are just a few to name with. For those whose name ain't here, I'm really sorry if I did not comment about you.
Up next is the ladies- There's Shirley with a very beautiful dress, with goes just right with her make up. There's Wileen with a classical black dress topped with a pretty scarf. There's Alicia with a hot red dress, with glittery eyes- Awesome. There's another Alicia who's sleak in black. There's the beautiful Indian dancers- Paveena, Shamini and Aditi. They brings tradition right into the ballroom. There's Loke Yan. She's one who distinguished among the others, with her unique cerulean dress -Kudos to you! There's Maszuindah. Dressed like what she performed on Teacher's Day, as Ms Rice. Great political fashion we have there. There's Julina with her great killer suit once again. There's Li Wen in her Dorothy Perkins'. There's Yi Wen, Pearlyn, Amanda, Sabrina, Zureena who dressed very well to portray their individual personality. There's Mei Wen, who looks like Brad Pitt(according to Muhammad). There's Ruth, bright in orange! There's Boon Tip, with a great dress. There's Yi Wei, Karen, Ying Lin and Jia Wen. Well i really like their hairdo. There's Caleen, who had a sophisicated dress and hairdo. There's Felicity who could have dressed no better to bring out her exotic look. There's Amanda who had all the gentleman(including me :p) giving her a second look. There's Hui Ling, who dressed in elegance. Lastly there's Natalin. Dressed in gold and had a really really really B-E-A-U-tiful hairdo. How rejuvenating it was, bringing the fashion scene there to a new level -Splendid. I hope i mentioned all the girls.
Nevertheless, my great pals. There's Don who donned a pleasant attire. More than an average Joe he is. There's Andre, the reigning prom king. Hail to the king! Wore a nice striped sleeves, coupled with the reigning prom queen, Jelisa, who dressed just as sweet by any other name. There's Yuan Wei, cool looking, with his cute small little eyes. There's Jia Hong. Suave-looking, who dressed to bring out the mass in him.
So basically, these are the guests who were presently.
The night commenced with the beginning of Paveena's speech. She is the Chairperson of the 2006 Prom Committee. Sitting in the same table with me were Roy, Wileen, Shirley, Emma, Shu Xian and Sin Chyuan.It was quite unfortunate for Emma, who could not spend most of her time with her date, as he was the emcee for the night.
Food was ready to serve. I indulged in my favourite japanese dish- i forgotten the name but its just those red baby octopus sprinkle with sesame seed. The prawns were delicious, so as was the cream puffs.
Soon after, games were being played. I'm afraid I won't say much about it as people have been complaining about their eyes getting hurt after staring at my posts for an hour, trying to read till the last word.
After which, was the determination of the new reign of Prom Royale. Brian, a potential Prom King, unfortunately couldn't stay long enough for the evening to get qualified for it. But honestly, he has great potential to be one, especially with Ruth as the Prom Queen, which ultimately she is.After rounds of elimination, the crowns and flowers went to Ruth and Roanny. Double R. What's more, both are from 4EB. Whereas the previous royale, Andrea and Jelisa, who presented the crown and garland, were from 4EA. So next year, bet that they'll come from 4EC yea? Hmmm...who's in 4EC next year...Esther, Iris, Sarah, Erwani... and so forth. Go for it girls!
Once the crowns met their respective owners, the real deal begins... Everyone hit the dance floor! Well except a few photographers such as Andree and Clifton. All kinds of move and step appeared as the atmosphere went sky-high while the DJ did his job. Man, I was pleasantly surprised to discover the undiscovered talent that many of peers have until then.
Alright, enough of sweating it out. Blazers' all wet, sleeves were unbuttoned, make-up for the girls smudged, hair being let down- It was the end of the night... And also, the beginning of morning( well its after midnight)...
A group of us- Ade, Sin Chyuan, Roy, Desmond(both), Xi Yang, Alvin, Jun Hao, Jia Jin( yes...although he didn't turn up for prom), Joshua, Douglas, Muzzafar, Leslie, Ri Chang, Jacky, Maszuindah, Boontip, Natalin, Caleen, and I, went to catch a movie- Happy Feet. (Yep, the one which ad poster has a baby penguin standing on a leg).
It was a great movie. One of the best animated film I had watched. Great graphic, great storyline, great humour, great entertainment. Five stars for you! Bravo.
The movie ended at 3.20A.M. Yeah...Late huh? Well after that, most of us went to Swensen's @ Crown Prince Hotel. Well Roy and I shared a Topless 5...ladies!(giggling). Nah, it's just 5 scoop of ice-cream without any add-on onto it.
After that, we planned to take the first bus home. However, a few sleepy eyes just can't wait to hail some cars which flashed yellow lights on top of it, and off they go. So in the end, only 8 person was left. So we strolled our way to a bustop Bras Basah Road. We waited for an hour or so, till bus 16 arrived at 6.00A.M. The sky became lighter as the bus brought us home.
Reached home at 6.30A.M.(the bus was fast!). Exactly 12 hours from the time I reached Goodwood Park Hotel at 6.30P.M. Upon reaching home, heard some nagging from my grandpa, took a shower and off to bed.
A Night(and Morning) To Remember...
5:04 PM
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Weiren speaking,
For the past few weeks, I was hesistant in attending prom. F0r fear that after the night is over I'll be very disappointed and disheartened...
However, three days, I changed my mind and decided to attend tonight's function. No way am i going to miss it.
It was during that afternoon, when i just called it a day for my O's and I went to Orchard cineleisure with Emma and Aditi to watch Material Girls. Nice chick flick, with the Duffs in action. Well I prefer Haylie for her gorgeous eyes but Hilary's innocent and sweet look never fail to gain my compliment as well.
After the movie, it came to a period which i was brainstorming whether to attend or not. At the end of the day, I said Yes, I'll go. All thanks to the two sweet ladies, who kept encouraging me to attend.
So immediately on that evening, I started to get my attire ready. I got my pants that night, and the next morning, my sleeves, blazer, belt and shoes. All within 24hrs. Well, I can't really be compared with those who prepared theirs since weeks ago. At least i'm contented with my selection and decision I had made, which includes the decision to attend prom.
Alright, I shall stop here. Got some prom stuffs to attend to. Have fun tonight everyone!
12:01 PM
The Brainchild of Weirenism
10:59 AM
Monday, November 20, 2006
Its me Albert. Firstly, I will make it clear that I will not talk alot of Crap and Bullshit in upcoming posts. I am just going to write about some interesting stuff that happened. the reason for a joint blog is actually an idea by me and Weiren to make it original, something others have not thought of but cool, so enjoy looking...
Well, just had a tiring day with Jovin, Sin Chyuan, WeiKee and lastly Douglas. We went to ZION Cyber in Katong Village after school or should I say after Os!! Played a few DOTA matches because of my addiction. But the funny part was, I went to join a game in Battle-Net. I randomed, bought some usual items and left it in front of their tower for fun. Then I go and Tank the tower alone!! That's not all, the rest of the guys in Singapore saw me, they all did the same too. One even said: WOW!! Rush!! So Pro!! After some time cocking up in the game while laughing all our asses off, somebody even said: We are all Geniuses!! I was shocked but laughing still thinking that they would ban me for doing stupid things but in the end, we all did the same thing!! What the hell!! I was laughing until I shed tears. Some more having muscle Aches everywhere in my body made it worst.
Well, for more information above, Please ask the guys who are with me.
Also, I am in a dilemma in whether to organise a 3rd DOTA Competition or not. The previous one was screwed but the 1st was ok. So I will check my schedule. Douglas keep pestering me about it.
Lastly, I know that this is a joint blog and I would like to besiege you people do not scold anyone you dislike or what in the tagboard. Please do it somewhere else, Thank you. I will post more tomorrow.
Over and out!!
7:29 PM
Wei Ren Speaking,
Greetings! Today's a special day, a day of many new beginnings as well as endings.
Like what I had promised everyone, a brand NEW halo will be created. This is it!
I would like to launch this very blog, Wei-Bertism. As the name says it, it is a blog co-own by Mr Ong Wei Ren Zachary and Mr Cheng Li Sheng ALbert.(clap hand and cat call!!!)
This blog will be affiliated to my very own blog (which will be taking a break), http://halohungup.blogspot.com
The purpose of this blog is express our "artistic" side of our personality. So do expect some great poems and prose, or even drawings right here.
Other than that, we'll just start on any topic under the sun, discussing about it, or maybe even criticize it! In addition, we'll use this blog as a tool to communicate.
Right now i would like to thank Mr Heng, for assisting in making this blog. A Big Thank You to You! He too, has been helping me in many ways, and i really appreciate it and i Thank You again. Without him, no way can i play Variations on the Canon, and no way an i get such marks for chemistry! Come to speak of it, allow me to promote his tuition service: Bedokfunland Tuition. Details are provided at the right and those taking "A" Levels now or in the future, do consider taking his tuition. Its worth the $$$!!! Well, this tuition is indeed one of the kind. Other than the teacher who have many years of experience in teaching, it has a credit system whereby students earn credits by excelling in their test given by him, and the credits are exchangeable for prizes! No no, those prize ain't gift vouchers or even a pilot pen- there's something valuable that those credits can give you! So, being able to provide quality lesson and opportunities for students to earn prizes, Bedokfunland Tuition is the No.1 tuition centre in Singapore (at least in the Bedok area if u don't agree with me).
Now, I shall hereby launch the Weirenism Zacharian Ultimate Xtreme 360 Degree Makeover Challenge! This is a 15-week programme specially meant for me. A challenge imposed on myself to reach greater heights of achievement. More of it will be posted later.
Today, other than these great exciting beginnings, marks the end of the GCE "O" Levels Examination!!! Finally...
Anyway, to Andre, remember what i told you what will happen to you after O's? Those words are no longer valid. So don't worry.
So to all my classmates and batchmates, Happy Holidays!
Hope you guys enjoy this blog!
11:29 AM